Learn how to regulate your nervous system
in challenging situations.
Looking for ways to help yourself in tense moments?
Do you find yourself repeatedly cycling through reactions to certain situations?
In this 3-part series, we will take an in-depth look at the nervous system using polyvagal theory. Whether you are in the position of a therapist, lecturer or caregiver, it is very important to be able to regulate the activation of the nervous system to create a safe environment for yourself and your clients.
We can direct the other only as far as we ourselves are able to see.
3-part course ANCHORING
"Befriend your nervous system"
This series of three one-day seminars is designed for anyone who wants to better understand the workings of the autonomic nervous system, to deepen and expand their skills to create a full and fulfilled life for themselves and their clients.

Principles of the autonomic nervous system
12 February 2025 | 10 am - 5 pm
Many people often struggle with the fact that despite of understanding situations, despite of "working on" issues their reactions in life do not change. In this state, they may then perceive themselves as incapable or feel powerless.
The biggest contributor to this is that people don't realize how much our autonomic nervous system affects our perception of the world. In fact, when we understand autonomic nervous system responses, we realize that perceived "threats" are a biological response. And we can't win against biology. We can, however, learn to recognize much earlier when we are getting into stress, chaos and anger, or numbing, dissociation, giving up.
Then we can begin to attend to the needs of our system so that it can calm down into a natural state of flow.

Tools for creating a sense of safety
4 April 2025 | 10 am - 5 pm
When we understand the implications of the reactions to perceived threats, it gets obvious that feeling "safe" is crucial. Not just physical safety, but social safety.
For example, regulating proximity and distance is one of the biggest aspects of being able to feel safe. And we often neglect that in many situations.
When our autonomic nervous system perceives a "threat", our ability to see and hear changes and we begin to perceive the world differently.
The only autonomic process we can control is breathing. The vagus nerve then connects it to the rest of our body. We can also help ourselves by moving slowly.
Conscious breathing and practicing these new somatic patterns is the path to self-regulation.

Systematic care of the autonomic nervous system
11 June 2025 | 10 am - 5 pm
We know by now very well, that whether a person stays traumatised after a traumatising experience or is capable of leaving the trauma behind does not lie in the traumatising experience, but in the way how the person perceives, stores, processes and relates with the traumatising experience.
Resilient people are able to cope with these experiences and can go on to lead full lives. This resilience can be learned if we attend to the needs of the autonomic nervous system. When we remain traumatized, we get stuck in a loop of the same thinking, unconsciously creating thoughts and images and experiencing feelings that are associated with the trauma.
One aspect of building resilience is becoming aware of one's own mental activity, thought processes and thinking style.
Bhagat J. Zeilhofer

Bhagat has been walking the spiritual path for more than thirty years. Deep meditation is part of his daily life. In 1982 he became a disciple of Osho. He spent a total of 5 years at Osho's ashram in Pune, India, where he led meditations and worked as a therapist. His long travels took him to the Himalayas and China, where he encountered Zen and Tibetan Buddhism. He also does Ericksonian hypnotherapy, systemic family therapy, and conducts trainings and workshops on Essence and the Art of Dying.
Bhagat's wise, kind and firm approach
brings a sense of security and confidence.
The number of participants is limited and the seminar will sell out quickly!
We are accepting applications for the entire 6-part course on a priority basis. You will only be able to sign up for individual evenings if there are spaces left.
Additional discounts cannot be applied to package, Early Bird and Last Minute prices.